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Climate change panel warns of severe storms, heatwaves and floods

"Prepare for unprecedented onslaught of deadly weather disasters, report says, claiming global warming causing crisis"

Category: Climate Change


Fukushima reactor shows radiation levels much higher than thought

"Damage from disaster so severe that clean-up expected to take decades, according to latest examination of nuclear plant"


Obama plan cuts emissions for future coal plants

"New rules to cut carbon dioxide emissions will make it nearly impossible to build new coal power plants"


Michael Hintze revealed as funder of Lord Lawson's climate thinktank

"Michael Hintze financially supporting organisation that regularly casts doubt on the science and cost of tackling climate change"

Category: Climate Change


Asteroid headed for Earth? Give it the laser treatment…

"A new study claims lasers would be more effective than bombs in vaporising an unwanted asteroid"

Category: Space

Displaying results 296 to 300 out of 2977